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Bowen Hills Early Learning Seminar Bowen Hills Early Learning Centreabowen Hills Early Learning Centre SeminarEarly YearsSeminarStrategies

Bowen Hills Early Learning Seminar

We had such a wonderful time presenting our ‘Early Years Communication Development’ seminar to the Bowen Hills Early Learning community. We absolutely loved being able to discuss developmental milestones and red flags with parents and educators, along with having the opportunity to bust myths that can be misleading. Our early years communication development seminar slides will become available for download here, later today. If you attended this seminar and have…
Lauren Crumlish
July 26, 2019
An Introduction to DiRFloortime® Dir Floortime Kids BrisabneEarly InterventionTherapy Sessions

An Introduction to DiRFloortime®

By understanding a child’s unique individual differences, appreciating their unique developmental stage and what sparks their joy and interest, we can follow their lead to support their language, cognitive and socio-emotional growth. We recently had the opportunity to engage in PD with DiR-experts travelling from the United States. As we are strong advocates for relationship-based intervention, especially for children presenting with complex communication profiles and social interaction challenges, we loved…
Lauren Crumlish
July 12, 2019
Kids Teeth And Speech PathologySpeech ClaritySpeech Sound DevelopmentVideo

The importance of teeth in speech

What to expect if your child has lost their front teeth prematurely “If your child has lost their front teeth ahead of schedule, while some sounds may be impacted, the overall majority of their speech should be clear”.- Lauren Crumlish Dentition and Speech Sound Development The topic of dentition (teeth) and speech sound development is a complex one. Often in clinical practice, if a child is presenting with significant…
Lauren Crumlish
April 25, 2019
Children'S Speech, Language And Understanding Animated VideoSpeech Pathology The Animated SeriesVideo

EP4: Speech, spoken language and understanding (2-3 years)

Welcome to another episode from Speech Pathology The Animated Series. Parents have a lot of questions about their child’s speech, understanding and use of language when their child is 2. How many words should my child have when they are 2? Should they be putting words together? I’m not always confident that my baby understands what I’m saying In this video, we’ll discuss what you should generally expect of your…
Lauren Crumlish
April 10, 2019
Higher Level Language Development Higher Level Language Development In Children And TeensAwarenessLanguage

Higher Level Language Development

With April Fool’s Day just passing, it’s hard for speech pathologists to not think about the significance of humour. While many people do not necessarily realise, humour is actually a skill that draws upon many language areas. As a result, many children that present with language delays and disorders can have a significant difficulty both understanding and using humour with their peers - and this is essentially because many areas…
Lauren Crumlish
April 5, 2019
Epilepsy Awareness Day! Infographic Of Epilepsy Awareness InformationAwarenessEarly Intervention

Epilepsy Awareness Day!

Today is Epilepsy Awareness Day! We are so proud to clinically support children with epilepsy. Did you know that epilepsy is associated with speech and language difficulties? Often this relationship is overlooked. Of the cognitive difficulties seen in epilepsy, language disorders are especially critical to identify and support as they can impact upon academic skills and long-term social, professional and psychological challenges.
Lauren Crumlish
March 26, 2019
How Long Does Speech Therapy TakeTherapy SessionsVideo

How long does speech therapy take?

A very natural question for parents and caregivers to ask is, ‘how long will speech therapy take?’. Any therapy is an investment requiring a financial, time and effort-based commitment. We always aim to minimise the time and cost to a family, while trying to maximise the quality and holistic nature of our therapy, supporting a child’s current social and academic needs and laying a foundation for future, ongoing progress. Some…
Lauren Crumlish
March 23, 2019
Ep3: Speech, Spoken Language And Understanding (1-2 Years)Speech Pathology The Animated SeriesVideo

EP3: Speech, spoken language and understanding (1-2 years)

Parents have a lot of questions about their child’s speech, understanding and use of language when their child is 1. Should my baby have words when they are one? When should they start talking? Welcome to another episode from Speech Pathology The Animated Series. Parents have a lot of questions about their child’s speech, understanding and use of language when their child is 1. Should my baby have words when…
Lauren Crumlish
January 29, 2019
Ep2: Speech, Spoken Language And Understanding (0-12 Months)Speech Pathology The Animated SeriesVideo

EP2: Speech, spoken language and understanding (0-12 months)

Episode 2: Speech Pathology The Animated Series™ Parents have a lot of questions about their child’s speech, understanding and language their first 12 months. In this video, we’ll discuss what you should generally expect of your child’s understanding and use of language in their first 12 months. Parents have a lot of questions about their child’s speech, understanding and language their first 12 months. When should my child say their…
Lauren Crumlish
January 2, 2019
Speech Pathology Awareness Week (2018)AwarenessVideo

Speech Pathology Awareness Week (2018)

This week was Speech Pathology Awareness Week. We wanted to help make people aware, so we created the video embedded below. In just three days, this video has been viewed more than 8,000 times and has reached over 35,000 people. Thanks to everyone who helped us to raise awareness by sharing our video.
Lauren Crumlish
August 24, 2018
Lauren CrumlishQ&AVideo

Q&A with Lauren

In this Q&A video, Lauren talks through the questions we received in a recent open forum. The questions asked by these parents are not uncommon and most parents have similar concerns.
Lauren Crumlish
July 17, 2018
Early Intervention Speech PathologistEarly InterventionSpeech Pathology The Animated SeriesVideo

EP1: The importance of early intervention

A video capturing the vital need for early intervention services for children between 0 and 5 years of age. We are often asked, when is the best age to start with speech therapy? Put simply, earliest is always best. Speech pathologists can complete assessments and treat children from 16 months to 18 years of age. However, there is a very strong evidence base to support early intervention. If we can…
Lauren Crumlish
April 6, 2018
How speech pathologists support children in prep Prep Children Speech PathologyEarly Years

How speech pathologists support children in prep

Towards the end of term 1, parents commonly sit down with their little one’s prep teacher. This is an opportunity for strengths and challenges from the term to be discussed. Many difficulties that children may experience in prep stem from a speech, language or literacy basis – areas that speech pathologists assess, diagnose and treat within. Speech pathologists can help if a prep child has, Unclear speech when talking with…
Lauren Crumlish
March 30, 2018
What should I expect of my kindy-aged child’s speech sound and language development? What Should I Expect Of My Kindy-Aged Child’s Speech Sound And Language Development?Early Years

What should I expect of my kindy-aged child’s speech sound and language development?

Parents often wonder about what speech and language skills their child will need for kindy. With prep right around the corner, no time is to be wasted ensuring that your child is set up for success. When children are between 3.5-4.5 years of age, they are expected to be well on their way with their speech-sound, language and emergent-literacy milestones. Kindy-aged children should, Speech-sound development: Kindy children’s speech should be…
Lauren Crumlish
February 23, 2018
Why speech pathologists use games in speech therapy Speech Therapy Games And ToysStrategies

Why speech pathologists use games in speech therapy

If you have been accessing therapy, or are awaiting your first therapy session, you may wonder why you see your therapist approaching with games in tow. Apart from offering the obvious fun, games are used in sessions for several important reasons: Supporting initial shyness: Some children may feel shy when therapy first begins. If they do have insight into their difficulties, interacting with a new person who is here to…
Lauren Crumlish
October 2, 2017
My child is stuttering, should I be worried? Child StutteringFluencyStuttering

My child is stuttering, should I be worried?

Stuttering is perhaps one of the most known communication disorders. We all often know someone who stutters, and with Hollywood’s exposure in ‘The King’s Speech’ the debilitating impacts of chronic stuttering have become wildly known. But we also know that many children stutter – particularly in their early years. We often have many questions from parents asking if this is typical. Put simply, sometimes it is…and sometimes it is not. Around 2…
Lauren Crumlish
October 1, 2017

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